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Flower Field


I was a little girl when I used to collect the flowers and other plants that grew in my maternal grandmother’s yard in St. Croix.  I remember sitting with her while we peeled the peas, watching as she tended to the breadfruit tree. I remember sucking the juices out of honeysuckle and waiting for the June plums to ripen so I could eat them straight off of the tree. I learned that gooseberries are sour while they are green and only taste good once they have been made into a jam. Even the dreaded orange juice with aloe is now a fond memory, along with my ever favorite basil tea.


As far as my grandmother was concerned, no ailment could not be solved with one "bush" or the other. Throughout the seasons (summer and hurricane season), there was always work to be done for the plants that we used to eat and heal every day.


Herbs have been an important part of my life for as long as I can remember. Here’s to hoping they become part of yours.

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